Circuit breakers work by cutting the flow of electricity to an electrical circuit when the current exceeds the maximum safe level. This is done to prevent fires and other hazards, like electric shocks. But when your circuit breaker trips too often, an underlying issue may need to be addressed. Our certified electricians at Deltron Electric explore the most common reasons behind this issue.
Short circuits
A short circuit occurs when a live wire makes direct contact with a neutral one in your electrical outlet, creating a path of extremely low resistance. This leads to an excessive current flow, posing a significant fire risk and damage to the electrical system. Proper electrical panel services ensure that short circuits are promptly identified and addressed to maintain a safe and efficient electrical infrastructure.
This can happen when you connect too many devices or appliances to a single circuit, and they collectively draw more current than the circuit can handle. The breaker detects the excess current and trips to prevent damage.
Aging or faulty circuit breakers
Over time, circuit breakers can deteriorate due to wear and tear, electrical arcing, or manufacturing defects. These issues can lead to the breaker tripping more frequently or even failing to trip when necessary, compromising the electrical system’s safety. Skilled technicians can identify and replace aging or faulty circuit breakers through professional electrical panel repair services.
From electrical panel installation in Merritt Island, FL, to any repairs, maintenance, and upgrades vital to a safe and efficient electrical system, Deltron Electric is the certified team you can count on. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.