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Electrical Upgrades And Changes You Need To Make Before Residential Expansions And Additions

new electrical panel in a house inspection

Before planning any residential expansions or additions, you need an electrical panel replacement in Rockledge, FL. Expanding your home means a much higher electricity demand. Insufficient electrical specs can strain an outdated or insufficient electrical panel. Addressing this issue upfront ensures your new spaces have safe and efficient power.

Assessing Your Electrical Needs

The first step in preparing for a home expansion is to assess your current and future electrical needs. An electric panel upgrade is necessary for every additional square footage, new appliance, or additional power.

An expert electrician can evaluate your existing panel’s capacity and determine its needs. Upgrading to a modern panel prevents potential overloads and electrical hazards. It also future-proofs your home.

Upgrading Your Electrical Panel

A panel upgrade gives more than adequate support to your home’s increased electrical demands. Older panels can’t handle the additional circuits required for new rooms, HVAC systems, or high-powered appliances.

Upgrading to a higher-capacity panel provides the necessary power and improves the overall safety and efficiency of your home’s electrical system. It guarantees your home meets current electrical codes and standards. Both are critical for both safety and error-free operations.

Planning the Electrical Panel Installation

Proper planning for a new electrical panel installation is vital. It involves choosing the right location for the new panel, for easy access and compliance with all safety regulations.

Planning the wiring layout for the new spaces and integrating them with the upgraded panel is crucial. A qualified electrician guarantees the installation is correct to prevent disruptions and for the full seamless function of the new system with your existing electrical setup.

Safety Considerations

Safety is a paramount concern when undertaking electrical upgrades. An outdated or overloaded panel poses significant risks, including frequent-tripped breakers, electrical fires, and power outages.

Modern electrical panels have advanced safety features. Invest in an electric panel upgrade before starting your expansion project and mitigate these risks. Call Deltron Electric, the only local specialist with a proven track record for these residential electrical services. We’ve been the most reliable electrical experts for more than 20 years.

Contact Us Today!

Please call, schedule online, or fill out the contact form to schedule an appointment for a diagnosis or service. Deltron looks forward to being your trusted electrician.