You opted for standby generator installation in Merritt Island, FL for one reason: to survive power outages without disruptions to your routines or compromising your family’s safety. If this emergency generator refuses to work at the most critical times, at best, you’re left feeling like you can pull out your hair, and at worst, you’re worried about your loved ones’ safety and health.
Luckily, troubleshooting a problematic generator is easy. The Deltron Electric team shares some tips on what you can do to restore power to your home and avoid the need for untimely generator replacement.
Do a Quick Assessment
It’s a good idea to check the basics of your standby generator before calling for professional generator repair. For example:
- Check your generator’s oil level and refill as needed.
- If the fuel is over two months old, drain gasoline from the tank and carburetor and refill it as required.
- Ensure the choke level is in the “closed” position during startup and then move it to “open” once the engine warms up.
Check the Battery
If your standby generator has a battery, check its condition. The battery can start losing charge if the generator sits unused for a long time. Battery failure can occur due to dirty or loose connections.
We recommend replacing your batteries every three years to minimize the risk of failure and eliminate the need for costly generator services.
Drain the Carburetor
Stale gasoline can also jam up the carburetor, stopping fuel from reaching this component to start combustion. If you suspect your standby generator has old gasoline, clean out the carburetor.
To achieve this, turn off the fuel valve and open the drain. Then, use a towel or brush to remove debris from the bowl at the bottom of the carburetor. Use a pin to remove obstructions from the nozzle. Finally, return the bowl, turn on the fuel valve, and restart the generator.
For professional generac generator installation, repair, or maintenance services in Merritt Island, FL, contact Deltron Electric today.